SeaNexus is established to develop advanced cultivation technology to support future supply of macro algae material feedstock and other biotechnology products and bringing the best of water resources and resilient to humanity. SeaNexus adapt vast maritime and offshore technology knowledge for development of aquaculture technology in collaboration with parties that brings in material, oceanography and biology knowledge that meet ecological and ocean requirement for structure that carry and grow life. There is big technology gap at the beginning of supply chain. Suitable material that is sustainable, durable and reliable to ensure growth and station keeping again marine environmental loading for a required site and for exploration of ocean resources are main barriers to the commercialization of seafarming for seaweed. The development of this type of technology is critical to ongoing efforts worldwide to increase productivity of fisheries to meet ever increasing demand worldwide.
Basically Seanexus solves the problem of large scale production of Seaweed. Seanexus would like to receive funding for building the basic setup to be used in a seaweed farm.